Channel: Foxcade
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: rantfoxcadelucasbillymikenetflixjonathanfamily guye.t.duffer brothersstevepoorly writtenstranger thingsdustinkalistranger things 2willmaxepisode 7nancyfox rantssimpsonselevenhopperjoyceseason 2hotline miami ost
Description: Watch a 5 minute quick rant become my longest video to date. Foxcade's Twitter: Timestamps: Chapter 1: Mike the Jerk - 4:33 Chapter 2: Relationship Troubles - 10:55 Chapter 3: More of the Same - 23:42 Chapter 4: The Unneeded Sister - 27:17 Chapter 5: Bad Case of Sequelitis - 32:16 Music: Walkin in Hawkins - Stranger Things 2 OST A New Morning - Eirik Suhrke Around - Modulogeek Daisuke - El Heurvo Remorse - Scattle Dust - M|O|O|N Electric Dreams - Perturbator Coasting - Transistor OST